Post-Doc grant open for students who hold a PhD title

(from any country)



Job summary:


The post holder of this position is expected to undertake independent and collaborative research within the field of Artificial Intelligence/Intelligent control, particularly applying techniques of Artificial Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy Logics in order to achieve the control of systems, the design and product development in biomedical engineering, robotics or other, identifying new needs and/or new applications having both symbolic and functional added value as well as optimising interfaces between human being, machine and environment.



Job description:


CASE-UBI opens one 5-year research positions in the areas of Electrical Engineering or Biomedical Engineering.


The candidate should have a PhD in a relevant area in order to carry out independent and collaborative research within the field of Artificial Intelligence/Intelligent control, particularly applying techniques of Artificial Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy Logics in order to achieve the control of systems, the design and product development in biomedical engineering, robotics or other, identifying new needs and/or new applications having both symbolic and functional added value as well as optimising interfaces between human being, machine and environment.


Applicants with some professional or academic experience related to the research fields indicated above and a significant publication record will be preferentially considered.


English will be the main working language.


Applicants are expected to organize, propose and administrate joint research projects producing professional and high quality reports, research applications and conference proceedings.


It is also desirable that the candidates demonstrate facility to work in a multidisciplinary environment undertaking a small amount of teaching, assessment and supervision of projects/dissertations.


The Center for Systems, Electrical Machines and Drives Research Unit (CASE) of University of Beira Interior is a research centre in Electrical Machines and Drives, Power Electronics, Instrumentation, Automation and Control taking advantage of the contribution of other sciences, namely Artificial Intelligence techniques such as Artificial Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy Logics, for carrying out research in control of systems, design and product development in biomedical engineering, robotics and other systems.


The contract offered will have duration of up to 5 years, renewed yearly based on mutual agreement. The annual income, before taxes, will be 3.101,87 Euros x 14 months.


To apply for this position applicants should send by mail (registered letter) or by e-mail to the following documentation (not forgetting to mention the applicant contact e-mail):

o  Curriculum Vitae (with photo)

o  Motivation letter

o  2 letters of reference (sent directly by the signers)

o  Any other relevant material that the applicant wish to be considered by the Selection Committee



Gross salary: equivalent to the index 195 of Portuguese scientific research career. The annual income, before taxes, will be 3.101,87 Euros x 14 months.


Employment basis: Temporary

Length of contract: 5 years maximum starting from October 2008.

Number of hours per week: 35 h maximum


Reference: PDoc-01/CASE/UBI/2008

Generic Scientific area: Engineering

Specific scientific area: Electrical Engineering & Biomedical Engineering


Application deadline: 15th September 2008.


Website for additional information:


Number of positions: 1 (one)


Supervision: The guidance and supervision will be conducted by:

- Prof. J. A. M. Felippe de Souza, Associate Professor



Selection Committee:

Prof. J. A. M. Felippe de Souza (CASE-UBI, Portugal)

Prof. José Afonso Moreno Bulas Cruz (UTAD, Portugal)

Prof. Takashi Yoneyama (ITA, São Paulo, Brazil)

Prof. Marco Antonio Leonel Caetano (IBMEC, São Paulo, Brazil)




Prof. J. A. M. Felippe de Souza

Unidade de Investigação Centro de Accionamentos e Sistemas Eléctricos (CASE),

Dept of Electromechanical Engineering

Universidade da Beira Interior

Rua Marquês d’Ávila e Bolama

6201-001 Covilhã


Tel: +351 275 329 707

Fax: +351 275 329 972 (c/o Prof. Felippe de Souza)